课题: |
序号 | 课题名称 | 课题类型 | 立项时间 | 主持人 |
1 | 优质均衡视角下学区划分优化模型研究 | 国家社科基金课题国家一般项目 | 2019 | 王海涛 |
2 | 青岛市教育质量监测项目 | 青岛市教育局 | 2015、2016、2017、2018、2019 | 王海涛 |
3 | 基于层次分析法的海洋通识课程学习评价研究 | 中国海洋大学教学发展基金 | 2019 | 刘世玉 |
4 | 基于ICT的学术论文写作问题诊断及教学干预 | 中国海洋大学教学发展基金项目 | 2019 | 张银 |
5 | 教师创新素养结构、影响因素及其作用机制研究 | 全国教育科学“十三五”规划教育部青年项目 | 2018 | 刘胜男 |
6 | 融合模糊综合评判的科学推理能力评价研究 | 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目青年基金 | 2018 | 刘世玉 |
7 | STEM学科学习中空间因素的作用机制:行为—脑—干预的多角度研究 | 教育部人文社科项目 | 2018 | 于晓丹 |
8 | 山东省乡村青年教师激励机制优化及其影响效应模型的实证研究 | 山东省社会科学规划项目 | 2018 | 刘胜男 |
9 | 青岛推进学习型城市建设的微观实证研究:探索全民阅读推广的新路径 | 青岛市社会科学规划项目 | 2018 | 张银 |
10 | 青岛市振兴乡村教育战略中的农村教育现代化研究 | 青岛市教育科学十三五规划重点课题 | 2018 | 刘胜男 |
11 | 城区义务教育学校学区划分办法 | 青岛市教育局委托课题 | 2018 | 刘胜男 |
12 | 大学生认识信念对学习成绩的影响研究 | 中国海洋大学学习支持研究项目 | 2018 | 刘世玉 |
13 | 一般潜水环境下多尺度的人体心室电生理建模与心律失常机制仿真研究(主持) | 山东省自然科学基金面上项目 | 2017 | 吕伟刚 |
14 | 社会交换理论视角下山东省乡村教师离职意向的影响机制研究 | 山东省高等学校人文社科计划一般项目B类项目 | 2017 | 刘胜男 |
15 | 大学生认识论信念与信息分析能力关系的研究 | 山东生高校人文社科研究项目 | 2017 | 刘世玉 |
16 | 青岛市乡村校长课程领导力及其影响机理的理论与实证研究 | 青岛市社会科学规划项目 | 2017 | 刘胜男 |
17 | 市北区2017年中小学绩效考核 | 青岛市教育局 | 2017 | 李刚生 |
18 | 大学生网络信息辨析能力研究 | 青岛市社会科学规划项目 | 2017 | 刘世玉 |
19 | 校长领导对学生学业成就的影响机制研究 | 中国海洋大学基本科研业务费校青年教师科研专项基金项目 | 2017 | 刘胜男 |
20 | 学习科学视阈下“以学生为中心”的课程教学与学习评价 | 中国海洋大学教学发展基金 | 2017 | 刘世玉 |
21 | 大学生网络信息分析能力的影响因素研究 | 中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师专项 | 2017 | 刘世玉 |
22 | STEM学科加工中空间因素的作用 | 中央高校青年教师科研专项 | 2016 | 于晓丹 |
23 | 融合学习者表情信息的课堂教学评价研究 | 教育部人文社科项目青年项目 | 2016 | 吕伟刚 |
24 | 青岛加快学习型城市建设的微观实证研究:构建网络环境下面向基础阅读的学习共同体 | 青岛市社会科学规划项目 | 2016 | 张银 |
25 | 中小学(含职业学校)、幼儿园办学(园)质量评价体系的研究 | 青岛市教育局项目 | 2016 | 于晓丹 |
26 | 课堂环境中的学生疲劳度检测技术研究 | 中国海洋大学学习支持研究项目 | 2016 | 吕伟刚 |
27 | 基于弧段检测的高频地波雷达特定目标航迹跟踪方法研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2016 | 李刚生(第2位) |
28 | 大学生数学学习影响因素及策略研究 | 中国海洋大学学习支持中心专项 | 2016 | 于晓丹 |
29 | 大学生学习支持研究:融合学习科学与教育信息化的多学科视野 | 中国海洋大学文科培育单列专项 | 2015 | 吕伟刚 |
30 | 关于同类城市教育领域综合改革政策的比较研究 | 青岛市教育局 | 2015 | 李刚生 |
31 | “教学系统设计”核心课程设计与开发研究 | 中国海洋大学青年教师科研专项基金 | 2015 | 张银 |
32 | 基于wiki的项目学习效果分析研究 | 中国海洋大学本科教学工程建设项目 | 2015 | 张银 |
33 | 面向问题解决的网络学习系统创新模型构建及实证研究 | 教育部人文社科项目 | 2014 | 张银 |
34 | 以学习共同体为课堂组织形态的通识课程教学改革探索与实践 | 中国海洋大学本科教育教学研究项目 | 2014 | 张银 |
35 | 驾驭式高等教育评估系统研究 | 山东省教育科学规划重点课题 | 2013 | 吕伟刚 |
36 | 整合的虚拟心脏电生理建模与可视化技术研究 | 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金 | 2013 | 吕伟刚 |
37 | 信息技术在高等教育评估中的应用研究 | 山东省教育科学规划 | 2013 | 李刚生 |
论文: |
| 论文 | 期刊信息 | 发表时间 | 作者 |
1 | Research trends in flipped classroom empirical evidence from 2017 to 2018: A content analysis | Interactive Technology and Smart Education | 2019 | Zainuddin, Z., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Chu, S. K. W., Idris, S., & Keumala, C. M. |
2 | A systematic review of flipped classroom empirical evidence from different fields: what are the gaps and future trends? | On the Horizon | 2019 | Zainuddin, Z., Haruna, H., Li, X., Zhang, Y., & Chu, S. K. W. |
3 | Adaptive learning path recommendation based on graph theory and an improved immune algorithm | KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems | 2019, 13(5): 2277-2298. (SCI) | Cunling Bian, Deliang Wang, Shiyu Liu, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author) |
4 | Spontaneous facial expression database for academic emotion inference in online learning | IET Computer Vision | 2019, 13(3): 329-337. (SCI) | Cunling Bian, Ya Zhang, Fei Yang, Wei Bi, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author) |
5 | Vehicle tracking based on shape information and inter-frame motion vector | Computers & Electrical Engineering | 2019, 78: 22-31. (SCI) | Peng Liu, Guoyu Wang, Zhibin Yu, Xinchang Guo, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author) |
6 | Adaptive learning path recommendation based on graph theory and an improved immune algorithm | KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems | 2019, 13(5), 2277-2298. (SCI) | Bian, C., Wang, D., Liu, S., Lu, W., & Dong, J. |
7 | Exploring science teachers’ argumentation and personal epistemology about global climate change | Research in Science Education | 201949(1), 173-189. (SSCI) | Liu, S., & Roehrig, G. |
8 | 基于故事教学法的微视频设计与应用 | 现代中小学教育 | 2019年09期. | 刘世玉, 郝少妍, 田晓婷 |
9 | 大学生短期支教的问题及对策 | 教育评论 | 2019, 6: 63-67 | 李朔菲, 刘世玉 |
10 | Principal instructional leadership, teacher self-efficacy, and teacher professional learning in China: Testing a mediated-effect model | Educational Administration Quarterly | 2018 | Liu, S &Hallinger, P. |
11 | Huaibao Wang. Construction model of cardiac purkinje system | Current Proteomics | 2018, 15(5): 394-400. (SCI) | Jie Li, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author), Jun Jing, Huaibao Wang |
12 | L-SVM: A Radius-margin-based SVM algorithm with LogDet Regularization | Expert Systems With Applications | 2018, 102: 113-125. (SCI) | Jiazhi Du, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author),Xiaohe Wu, Junyu Dong, Wangmeng Zuo |
13 | An improved genetic approach for composing optimal collaborative learning groups | Knowledge-Based Systems | 2018, 139: 214-225. (SCI) | Yaqian Zheng, Chunrong Li,Shiyu Liu, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author). |
14 | 工作环境对乡村教师专业学习的影响机制研究 | 教师教育研究 | 2018 | 赵新亮,刘胜男 |
15 | 为培养多文本阅读能力而教——谈初中语文多文本阅读与写作的教学 | 语文建设 | 2018, 30: 4-8. (北大核心) | 汪倩文, 刘世玉 |
16 | Exploring college students’ cognitive patterns during reasoning | International Journal of Science Education | 201840(14), 1736-1754. (SSCI) | Liu, S.& Lawrenz, F |
17 | Entering the STEM pipeline: Exploring the impacts of a summer bridge program on students’ readiness | Journal of College Student Development | 201859(5), 635-640. (SSCI) | Liu, S |
18 | An Improved Genetic Approach for Composing Optimal Collaborative Learning Groups | Knowledge-Based Systems | 2018139, 214-225. (SCI) | Zheng, Y., Li, C., Liu, S., & Lu, W. * |
19 | 走近分析教育哲学_对分析教育哲学发展史的重新梳理 | 清华大学教育研究 | 2017.3. 人大复印资料转载 | 王海涛 |
20 | 受欺负学生的心理韧性与学业水的关系 | 教育学报 | 2017.12. 新华文摘转载 | 王海涛 |
21 | 如何解读学生品德发展质量监测结果 | 教育科学研究 | 2017.8. 新华文摘转载,人大复印资料转载 | 王海涛 |
22 | 教育质量评价标准的价值建构 | 湖南师范大学教育科学学报 | 2017.1 | 王海涛 |
23 | 新生代乡村教师缘何离职——组织嵌入理论视角的阐释 | 教育发展研究 | 2017 | 刘胜男,赵新亮 |
24 | 教学型领导对教师工作投入的作用机理研究 | 现代基础教育研究 | 2017 | 刘胜男,王海涛,王益国 |
25 | The effectiveness of wikis for project-based learning in different disciplines in higher education | The Internet and Higher education | 2017 | Chu, S. K. W., Zhang, Y., Chen, K., Chan, C. K., Lee, C. W. Y., Zou, E., & Lau, W. |
26 | Does principal leadership make a difference in teacher professional learning | A comparative study of China and Thailand. Compare | 2017 | Hallinger, P, Liu, S. & Piyaman |
27 | Teacher development in rural China: How ineffective school leadership fails to make a difference | International Journal of Leadership in Education | 2017 | Liu, S & Hallinger, P |
28 | Coupling ray radiation function based biophysical detailed dual pattern cardiac visualization | Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics | 2017, 7(5): 939-943. (SCI) | Fei Yang, Lei Zhang, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author), Wangmeng Zuo, Kuanquan Wang |
29 | Study of cardiac physiological and physical activities by energy blending integral model | Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics | 2017, 44(9): 792-798. (SCI) | Fei Yang, Weigang Lu, Lei Zhang, Lei Liu,Yue Zhang |
30 | Study of cardiac physiological and physical activities by energy blending integral model | BioMedical Engineering OnLine | 2017, 16(1): 70. (SCI) | Fei Yang, Weigang Lu, Lei Zhang, Lei Liu,Yue Zhang |
31 | Depth attenuation degree based visualization for cardiac ischemic electrophysiological feature exploration | BioMed Research International | 2016, 2016(2): 1-8. (SCI) | Fei Yang, Lei Zhang, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author), Lei Liu, Yue Zhang, Kuanquan Wang, Henggui Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo |
32 | Supporting the professional learning of teachers in China: Does leadership make a difference | Teaching and Teacher Education | 2016 | Liu, S, Hallinger, P. & Feng, D |
33 | Learning-centered leadership and teacher learning in China: Does trust matter | Journal of Educational Administration | 2016 | Liu, S, Hallinger, P. & Feng, D |
34 | Leadership and teacher learning in urban and rural schools in China: Meeting the dual challenges of equity and effectiveness | International Journal of Educational Development | 2016 | Hallinger, P & Liu, S |
35 | New Ideas on the Design of the Web-Based Learning System Oriented to Problem Solving From the Perspective of Question Chain and Learning Community | International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning | 2016 | Zhang, Y. & Chu, S.K.W. |
36 | 基于超效率分析模型的“985工程”高校建设绩效分析 | 学位与研究生教育 | 2016.12. | 王海涛 |
37 | 我国高校教师绩效评价研究热点与发展探析 | 国家教育行政学院学报 | 2016.11 | 王海涛 |
38 | Effects of acute global ischemia on re-entrant arrhythmogenesis: a simulation study | Journal of Biological Systems | 2015, 23(2): 213-230. (SCI) | Weigang Lu*(corresponding author), Jie Li, Fei Yang, Cunjin Luo, Kuanquan Wang, Ismail Adeniran, Henggui Zhang |
39 | Simulation study of ventricular arrhythmia at the early stage of global ischemic condition | Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics | 2015, 42(2): 189-194. (SCI) | Weigang Lu, Jie Li, Fei Yang, Kuanquan Wang |
40 | In-service teachers’ attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and classroom practices of climate change | Science Educator | 2015,24(1), 12-22. | Liu, S., Roehrig, G., Bhattacharya, D., & Varma, K |
41 | 面向问题解决的网络系统学习机制研究及策略设计 | 电化教育研究 | 2015 | 张银 |
42 | Multi-boundary cardiac data visualization based on multidimensional transfer function with ray distance | Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering | 2014, 24(6): 3025-3032. (SCI) | Fei Yang, Lei Zhang, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author), Wangmeng Zuo, Kuanquan Wang, Henggui Zhang, Yeming Li |
43 | Virtual Experiments or Worked Examples: How to Learn the Control of Variable Strategy | Technology, Knowledge and Learning | 2014, 20, 27-41. (EI) | Liu, S |
44 | Argue-to-Learn: Facilitate Classroom Discussions in the Social Sciences | College Teaching | 2014, 62(3), 115-115. | Liu, S |
会议论文 |
| 会议论文(部分) | 会议信息 | 时间 | 作者 |
1 | Using Pedagogical Intervention with ICT to Minimize Student Plagiarism | Paper presented at the ASIS&T AP 2019 regional conference, Phnom Penh, Cambodia | 2019 | Zhang, Y., Li, X., & Zainuddin, Z. |
2 | Exploring the Impact of Social Media Facebook and Schoology on Students’ Internship Programs | Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2018, New York City. US. | 2018 | Zainuddin, Z., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Zhang, X., Wu, W., Chu, S.K.W., Tse, S., &. Yau, K. |
3 | Inferring academic emotion in online learning based on spontaneous facial expression | Computers in Education | 2018, 83-88. (EI) | Cunling Bian, Deliang Wang, Ya Zhang, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author) |
4 | An academic emotion database and the baseline evaluation | Computer Science & Education | 2018, 378-383. (EI) | Cunling Bian, Ya Zhang, Deliang Wang, Yi Liang, Bo Wu, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author) |
5 | Effectiveness of plagiarism instruction on undergraduates’ learning outcomes in higher education: A meta-analysis | Paper presented at the CITE Research Symposium 2017, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong | 2017 | Zhang, Y., Li, X., Zainuddin, Z. & Chu, S.K.W. |
6 | An analysis of influence factors for academic performance about personality traits and thinking styles of students | Computer Science & Education | 2017, 167-171. (EI) | Jiazhi Du, Rui Shi, Yuanyi Zhen, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author) |
7 | Research on activity recognition of students in physical education based on IDT method | Computer Science & Education | 2017, 172-176. (EI) | Jiazhi Du, Shijun Dong, Chunrong Li, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author) |
8 | Generation of adaptive learning path based on concept map and immune algorithm | Computer Science & Education | 2017, 409-414. (EI) | Cunling Bian, Shijun Dong, Chunrong Li, Zheng Shi, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author). |
9 | An improved genetic algorithm approach for optimal learner group formation in collaborative learning contexts | Computers in Education | 2016, 76-78. (EI) | Yaqian Zheng, Jiazhi Du, Haibo Yu, Weigang Lu, Chunrong Li |
10 | A hybrid PSO-GA method for composing heterogeneous groups in collaborative learning | Computer Science & Education | 2016, 160-164. (EI) | Yaqian Zheng, Yunsong Liu, Weigang Lu, Chunrong Li |
11 | Fusion visualization for cardiac anatomical and ischemic models with depth weighted optic radiation function | Computing in Cardiology | 2015, 42: 937-940. (EI) | Fei Yang, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author), Lei Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo, Kuanquan Wang, Henggui Zhang |
12 | Improved fast marching method applied on purkinje fibers extraction | Intelligent Control and Information Processing | 2014: 473-475. (EI) | Jie Li, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author) |
13 | Visualization for non-linear enhanced volume data | Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing | 2014: 349-352. (EI) | Fei Yang, Weigang Lu*(corresponding author), Lei Zhang, Kuanquan Wang, Yeming Li |
14 | Simulation of re-entrant wave dynamics in a 2-D sheet of human ventricle with KCNJ2-linked variant 3 short QT syndrome | Computing in Cardiology | 2014, 41: 61-64. (EI) | Cunjin Luo, Kuanquan Wang, Yongfeng Yuan, Weigang Lu, Henggui Zhang |
专著 |
1 | 刘胜男. 教师专业学习的实证研究,上海三联出版社, 2018. |
2 | Liu, S., & Varma, K., Roehrig, G. (2014). Climate literacy and scientific reasoning. In D. Dalbotten, G. Roehrig, & P. Hamilton (Eds.), Future Earth: Advancing civic understanding of the anthropocene (pp. 31-40). New York: Wiley. |